
YouTube Video

Hey everyone! I got back from Spring Break last Monday, and just in case you haven't seen it already, I made a youtube video of my pics and some videos that I took. Here's the link...

Overall, the trip was ok. It was just hard being in the same house with the same 10+ people for a week. And there wasn't much to do besides sunbathing on the patio or walking on the beach. A little too 'relaxing' for my taste. But it was nice to get out of Madrid!


Sleepover with Shayna

Exactly 2 weeks ago, Shayna spent the night. It was a 4 day weekend, and since we could go to Valencia :( we did something at home. We went out to La Vaguada and we bought some ice cream and peanut butter, and some brownie mix. We were going to make some brownies, but that night was also my host sister's birthday party night, so they were using the kitchen. So we fixed ourselves a pizza, and went into my room to pig out. We decided that ice cream and peanut butter is probably the most fattening food you could ever eat, but it was really good! :] We both had about 7 or 8 spoons, and we were stuffed. So we kicked back and watched Step Up. It was a really nice, fun, relaxing night!

Snow video from forever ago

This is from about 8 weeks ago, on one of the days it snowed. I'm not positive, but I think it snowed 3 or 4 times this year! This is a view from my window.

Dinner with Neira

So a couple weeks ago I went out with Neira to a restaurant that she really liked. But, since it was a Sunday night, it was closed :( So we went to Kineapolis (the big movie theatre) and in that area there's some other restaurants. We decided to go to VIPS, then after we walked around the movie theatre a little. Theses first 3 pics are from the movie theatre. The top 2 from the inside (it's like a mall with shops, fast food and movie rooms too) And the third is from the outside entrance.

Us sipping our milkshakes :] It was very good and chocolate.
That was the water pitcher....
This is the little placemat they give you and they also use it for their ads around the city.
I forgot to take a pic before I ate it, but it was lasagna. It was pretty good, not great, and a little small. I have a huge lasagna appetite.