
A Long Day

Today was really hectic! I woke up at 6 and school started at 7:50. Then after school, I had 2 hours to kill because I was planning to go to a store with a girl from school right after school, but she wasn't in school today (she was having bad migranes) so she said she would meet me at the school about 4. So I walked up Serrano street, which is a humungous street and part of the shopping district, and bought this really bad sandwich. First of all, the people were really slow, and I was waiting in the wrong line for 5 minutes. And when I finally got my 'toasted bacon and cheese sandwich', it wasn't even really bacon! It was like some weird ham. That was just like thick lunch meat. So I took that out and all that was left was the lettuce and cheese. So that wasn't good. And then after I walked and walked, and then decided to go back in the school direction. So then finally when the girl, Neira, got there, we went on the Metro half-way across town to this Halloween decoration shop to see what we wanted to buy for the 'Halloween-ish party' in a couple weeks. Then after we went to the other side of town and stopped at her house so she could change her shoes. Then we took another really, really slow Metro to the Tase of America store, which has a bunch of food imported. So we get off the Metro, and she doesn't remember where it is, so she calls her dad, and he happens to be in the area. So her dad picked us up and drove us 2 blocks down the street where the store was.

The store (Taste of America) was really fun. And it was really fun and funny to see Neira's reaction to everything. There was a few boxes of Nerds, and she got all amazed because she didn't know that Wonka was a real brand. And then she had only seen marshmellows in the movies. And she was really, really fascinated by the sprinkes (like for a cake). And then she just about died when we got to the fridge with all of the different sodas in it. Here, there is only, I repeat ONLY, coke, pepsi, and sometimes sprite. But in this store they had root beer, mountin dew, all the different types of coke and pepsi (like cherry, vanilla, ...) grape soda and a bunch more. It was really cute, she kept saying how it felt like she was in a movie! lol

So I ended up getting back home at 9pm! And it's another early morning tomorrow, so good night!!!


Neira said...

yeah that was really funny!! We gotta go back to that store :P
And btw you forgot to say that I was reaaaaally late that day (as many others :P) but not today!!! hahahha and we also have fanta and trina, anyway I hate them xDD