
El Escorial and the Field Trip

I still don't have the pictures from El Escorial last weekend... because they're on a camera phone... because I forgot to take my phone! I know! I couldn't believe it either!!! But I will get them.

First, we stopped at Valle de los Caidos which is where Franco is buried. It's just outside of Madrid and it was really cool, the building he had built was huge and has a bunch of statues and pretty doors. Then we drove a few more minutes to El Escorial, which was neat, but not very memorable. I'm having trouble remembering what it was all about.... Oh yes, it's where a bunch of the kings of spain have lived from like, 1500 to 1700. It was cool to see all of the original stuff. They had all of the original furniture in the bedrooms and some of the original floor was still walk-on-able. The tour was kinda long though, and I was really hungery and thirsty.

Afterward, we ate at a cafe that was kind of in the woods. It was nice to get out and go see something, and some of the history was very interesting, but... not too much to write home about.

Today our class took a field trip to the Museum of Prado. How boring! We had to walk there, first of all, so it took us like, 25 minutes walking, then we stood in the museum for 1.5 hours. And then walked back. My back hurt! And there wasn't anything spectacular in the museum. And the overall interior decorating left something to be desired. But at least I got out of PE, history (kind of, our history teacher took us), and english.

I love you guys so much! I hope I have something more exciting to write about next time. Bye!!!