
2 Days In a Row

Well, I decided to write another blog, just because I have so much extra time this week. I think because it's a big test week, none of the teachers are giving homework. I've had lots of time after school and have been sleeping a lot.

As you have probably noticed, I found out how to add a new layout! I think it looks a lot better. The only thing is that it doesn't show a couple of the pages features, like my About Me and stuff. And I'm not sure if it lets you click on pictures. So when I put new pictures on, I'll probably take it off. But I thought it was really nice and festive!

I just found out today that the teacher's grades are due this Friday, so that means I'll probably have no tests next week! Only 7 more days until Christmas break. And then after that, it's January! I have a Spanish Language exam tomorrow. I have to know about Romanticism and Modernism and that kind of stuff. I hope it will be multiple choice, but I'm not counting on it. Then Friday I have another make-up test in Spanish and then a history test. Not sure how those are going to go, but it doesn't really matter, right?

I'll try to buy some postcards on my way to school one of these days. I've been bored a lot in class and I could take that opportunity to write some!

Bye for now!