
Finally, the real Christmas post.

This is their family (kinda). Just thought it might make it easier for you. My host parents are Luis and Maribel, btw.

From the back: Luis Jr., Me, Marta, Marina, and Ale.
This picture wasn't so much for looking at the people, but to show the setting. This is where we sat with everyone before dinner, and after when we were opening presents.
From top left: Marta, Maribel, Luis, Alejandra, Me, Luis

Just to show you my dress! I borrowed it from my host sister Marta, it was really cute. And I wore black leggings and my silver shoes.
This is the kitchen. This is where we sat before everyone came over. It's really big and pretty nice. I hated the chair though, really uncomfortable.

Bad quality, but there's me, Marta, the aunt Marta, Marina (who is not pregnant, it's just the way her vest was moving), and Ale

This was a couple days before Christmas at my house. From top left: Willi, Marta, Ale, Marina, and Me.
This was a lunch we had at the grandma's house. From the front left going clock-wise: Jorje, Isabel, Borja, Marta, Me, Cristina, Marina, Ale, and Willi.
Same lunch, in the kitchen, with the grandma
Before christmas, my host mom had all of her friends over to stuff the turkey. The kitchen was really messy. That's me and Javier.
A while ago, some friends from Theota came to visit, and this is a picture from a breakfast we had.

So, in summary, for Christmas eve, we had dinner at my host aunt's house with all of the family ( I think there was like, 20 of us) and opened presents. We got home at around 2:30.

Then the next morning we went over to her house again, but this time it was just the grandma, me, both luis's, marta, ale, and host mom. We had lunch and opened presents for each other.

Then for New Year's we went to another uncle's house and had a really informal dinner (although we were all really dressed up) and watched the 'ball' drop on tv. The big thing in Spain is to watch what's going on in Sol, they have a big clock tower and it has a puny non-lighted ball that drops on midnight. And then for every chime of the clock, you have to eat one grape. It's actually harder than it sounds because the chimes go so fast. Then Cristina (the cousin that's in Canada this year but just came to visit for the holidays) and I went to a discotheque. It was very fun. Unfortunatly I don't have any pictures because I didn't want to risk getting my camera stolen.

Then they have another holiday Jan 6 called Rayos Magos (magic kings). We didn't do anything really special. There's a special pastrey called Roscon. That was good. And the grandma came over for lunch.